Day 3 of 21 Monday 29-Jun Rome
Today’s Schedule
Our schedule will be “flexible” over these next 2 weeks. While Maggie and Dan are with us, will let them choose where to go. In some cases may go with them. Mostly though, need to let them discover for them selves.
Maggie, Dan and Mya decided to get tickets and visit the Vatican and a catacomb location. The underground burial sites (catacombs are all over the city. All typically have niches carved into the stone walls where the dead were kept. Contrary to many “stories,” this was not a place where the Christians “hid” from the Roman soldiers. It was used for burials.
Carol & I decide to revisit Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri - Saint Mary of the Angels and Martyrs at the Diocletian Baths. Formerly the bathhouse of 2,000 years ago, then “remodeled” later by none other than Michelangelo.
Rather than add too much for each day, I will refer to a prior journal page from 2013 visit, with web links included.
From there, see the fountain of Piazza on Via Nazionale. Then go up a few blocks to Via del Quirinale. The street where the last kings palace is — Palazzo del Quirinale.
We go on meandering up to the Spanish Steps – Scalinata Spagna. Sit a bit to watch the other people watchers, then head back to hotel.
Check out the other Rome virtual visit options (-:
My Observations
Although I have titled this journal as 3Q, it could have just as been 3R – renew, reuse and recycle. Much of what we see it remade from things originally constructed over 2,000 years ago. What might have been discarded by a major palace builder, could have then been used for a less picky family home.
The area of Rome we will walk around over the next few days is amazing. No skyscrapers or other “modern” buildings - usually. To appreciate it all, I have to make sure I follow a pattern of history – art – culture. Without knowing the history, the art and culture can be greatly misunderstood. Prior to the formation of the Roman Empire, the Greeks had constructed many of the buildings and carved sculptures. The Romans, then either copied favorite Greek items, or attempted to make improvements.
Photo 1 - See. Mya and parents visit Vatican City – Most impressed by Saint Peters.
Photo 2 - Do. Carol filling water bottle at nasoni. The water coming from a “nose.”
Photo 3 - Eat. My favorite – pasta and clams. First time of many (-:
Click here for today's online photo album.
2015 3Q Day 3 of 21 Monday 29-Jun Rome